Fear of a pandemic from coronavirus continues. Yes, this is a real threat. This is not hoopla or media sensationalism. This is much ado about something. Now over 80,000 cases have been reported, the vast majority in China. 3% of those infected have died which is not a small number (especially if you [Read More]
Archives for February 2020
Gallbladder Cancer Awareness Month
Tired of hearing about the coronavirus? Well, it's Gallbladder Cancer Awareness Month! It's a relatively rare cancer affecting about 20,000 Americans a year. If you're one of the 20,000 it is quite a big deal. Slightly more women than men are affected. Symptoms mimic gallstones with jaundice, [Read More]
Cardiovascular Exercise
February is Heart Month! What better way to keep that ticker ticking than by regular exercise. What I like about running is the price tag--it's cheap! Get on a pair of sneakers and you are good to go. When I used to run for exercise before my gouty arthritis did a number on my ankles, I enjoyed [Read More]
Trigger Finger
Trigger finger affects about 200,000 Americans every year. Count me in as one of them! It occurs when the tunnel sheath that allows the tendons of each finger to pass becomes inflamed. The tendons go through but "catch". The finger, or thumb in my instance, becomes stuck in a bent position. At the [Read More]