The Fall Surge (The Third Wave) The Fall Surge is upon us. It has arrived by all telling. We are early in it's course and there is opportunity for mitigation. The 1918 Pandemic of the Spanish flu also had 3 waves. The Spring, the Fall, and the Winter waves of 1918. The Winter of 1918 saw the end [Read More]
Coffee and Colorectal Cancer
Colon cancer is in the news these days. A few weeks ago Chadwick Boseman passed away in his early 40's of metastatic colon cancer. In one fell swoop, his tragic passing highlighted three traits of colon cancer: 1) Colon cancer is increasing in younger Americans aged 20-50. 2) Black Americans are [Read More]
COVID-19 rising as leading cause of death
SARS-CoVA 2 is now the 3rd leading cause of death in the United States this year. Heart disease and all cancer deaths still exceed the number of Coronavirus deaths. What is frustrating about this is that some Americans feel that this is not a big deal and that we are all overreacting. I was just so [Read More]
Blood Clots and COVID-19
I'm getting really tired of pandemics. I wish we could just move on. Sadly we can't. It still here. That's the truth. While I empathize with the protestors during this civil unrest, I fervently wish they all would wear masks, and if they can't stay a meter apart, then at least wear gloves. This [Read More]
Reopening Businesses
States across the Union are re-opening. The future is uncertain and unpredictable. But we have models that can tell us what the future will look like based on how many new COVID infections occur. It appears that the Feds have abrogated responsibility to the States. Statewide policies do not [Read More]
Toxic Algae Symptoms
Toxic blue-green Algae has been infesting Lady Bird Lake in Austin as well as lakes and rivers around the country. Four dogs have died from exposure to the algae in Austin alone. While no harm has been reported in humans in Austin, there is a potential risk. Blue green algae appears in nutrient rich [Read More]
Do genetics or nature impact a person’s health more?
DNA or zip code? Which has greater impact on your health? Of course the answer is the same as it ever was. Both! This study in Nature was interesting though in it's methodology. It used the Aetna database and found 56,000 twin pairs and studied them until age 24 (while they were on their parents [Read More]