Coronavirus has landed in the United States. There are now 13 states reporting disease and 80 confirmed cases. Sadly one skilled nursing facility in Washington has seen 9 of it's occupants succumb to the disease. The CDC has taken some criticism for the rolling out of their test kits. Despite the [Read More]
Coronavirus Outbreak
Fear of a pandemic from coronavirus continues. Yes, this is a real threat. This is not hoopla or media sensationalism. This is much ado about something. Now over 80,000 cases have been reported, the vast majority in China. 3% of those infected have died which is not a small number (especially if you [Read More]
CDC Guidelines for Boil Water Advisories
Dr. Kumar talks about the Center for Disease Control's recommendations when a boil water advisory is issued like the one Austin Water has issued for all its customers. [Read More]
Prostate Cancer Awareness
September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. Dr. Kumar interviewed Dr. Shaw from Urology Austin to discuss the pros and cons of screening for prostate cancer. [Read More]